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 Center for Cadastral Technology Research and Applications was established in 2000 under Decision No. 958/2000/Q?-TCHC dated on October 27, 2000 and renamed in 2008 according to Decision No. 127/Q?-?HNL-TCCB dated on January 25th, 2008 by Nong Lam University (NLU) Rector. Since April 2008, it has operated as an independent scientific research and technology transfer institution under the License No. 196/?K-KHCN of HCMC Department of Science and Technology dated in April 22nd, 2008.


Currently, the center has 22 permanent staff and 30 visiting researchers, and 6 scientific supervisors including 3 associate professors, 8 PhDs, 14 masters, 19 Bachelors and Engineers and 8 College diplomas. Our staff are trained in diverse fields of technology, economics, management, law and social sciences.


The center has three mandates: scientific - technology research, extension and services in fields of cadastral technology, real estate, management of land, resource and environment. More specifically, our research, extension and services are focusing on:

          ·     Soil inventories and categorization, soil classification and land evaluation

          ·     Land and real estate appraisal

          ·     Land and real estate markets

          ·     Land, real estate, resource and environment finance and taxes

          ·     Land survey and mapping

          ·     Atlas design

          ·     Land statistics and inventories, updating land use change

    ·  Master planning, land use planning, urban and rural development planning, land development planning, and farm development planning.

           ·     Remote sensing and GPS in management of land, real estate, natural resources and environment

           ·     Natural resource management and conservation for sustainable development and poverty alleviation

           ·     Economics of land, real estate, natural resource and environment

           ·     Development projection and project management

Moreover, our center also provides a wide range of services related to conference, workshop, symposium assistance and logistics, short courses of professional training in cadastral technology and management of land, real estate, natural resources and environment.


The 150 square meter office was recently rebuilt and located in a campus of 200 square meters, in which five rooms are designed for staff’s working place and one is a meeting hall. The center’s facilities have been continuously improved and modernized to meet its growing demand in research, technology extension and services.


Center for Cadastral Technology research and Applications - Nong Lam University

Linh Trung Ward – Thu Duc District – Ho Chi Minh City – Vietnam

Tel: (84-8) -37345422 – 37245411; Fax: (84-8) -37245411

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